

一旦你被授予学术住宿, you will be able to submit your accommodations to your professor. 这需要在每学期开始时完成. After your accommodations have been acknowledged by the professor, 你可以为这门课安排考试. Please follow the instructions below to submit your accommodations to your professors:

  1. 使用启用了弹出窗口的网页浏览器.
  2. Login to myCU, click myCU 首页page on the left toolbar of your Student Dashboard.
  3. 选择辅导 & 然后是班级住宿.
  4. 完成并提交OAS合同和道德协议.
  5. Click Select Accommodations for a course and toggle to Yes all accommodations you would like to use for the course. 提交选择. 每道菜都重复这个步骤.
  • 如果你有 延长住宿时间 你有背靠背的课程(i.e. your 延长住宿时间 would require you to miss your next class), you must work with your instructor to identify a mutually agreeable time to take your exam. The exam must align with the testing center hours if it will be proctored by OAS. 请参阅下面的考试冲突了解更多信息.
  • 如果你有 灵活的出勤住宿; you must also download and complete the Flexible Attendance Agreement form with your instructor(s).
  • 如果你有 灵活的截止日期住宿, you must also download and complete the Flexible Deadline Agreement form with your instructor(s).
  • 如果你有 个人住宿 or an accommodation that you feel would be beneficial to talk with your instructor(s) about, 尽快联系你的指导老师.
  • 在此提交您对替代格式教科书的请求.
  • 电子邮件oas@clarkson.Edu要求使用您的笔记记录仪住宿.

If you do not have any academic accommodations set up or have further questions, 请通过oas@clarkson与美洲国家组织联系.edu.

Current students who have submitted their accommodations to professors for the current semester may submit exam requests using myCU. 

FAQs: Exam Conflicts, Friday Exams, Evening Exams, and Final Exams

If you have questions about how to submit an exam request normally, 请查看上面链接的OAS考试报名教程. 你会在下面找到常见问题的答案.

  1. 我一节课之后还有一节课. I can’t finish my exams for the earlier class with my extended time and make it to my next class on time. 我该怎么办??
  2. I know that OAS closes its testing service at 4:00 pm on Fridays. 我该怎么办? if I have a Friday exam that will go later than 4:00 pm?
  3. 我晚上8点有一个考试. 但是,myCU不会让我输入晚上7点以后的开始时间. 我该怎么办??
  4. Should I enter my final exam schedule into the OAS exam signup when SAS posts it?
  5. I forgot about an exam and was not able to enter it into myCU before the required 7 days. 我还能在住宿条件下参加考试吗?

1. 我一节课之后还有一节课. I can’t finish my exams for the earlier class with my extended time and make it to my next class on time. 我该怎么办??

当你向你的教授提交住宿申请时, myCU will automatically notify you if you have any potential conflicts between classes. You will need to discuss with your professor the best course of action.

你可以讨论一些可能的解决方案. 你能早点开始考试吗? 你需要在一个完全不同的时间参加考试吗? It’s best to try to keep your start time as close to the original start time as possible. OAS can help you identify options before you meet with your professor.

Please reach out to your professor within the first few weeks of classes so that you have a plan in place before your first exam. 整个学期的计划都应该是一样的. You should remind your professor of the different agreed-upon start time before each exam as they may forget. 当您通过myCU提交考试申请时, 一定要按照约定的时间安排考试, 不是原定的时间.

2. I know that OAS closes its testing service at 4:00 pm on Fridays. 我该怎么办? if I have a Friday exam that will go later than 4:00 pm?

周五的考试也可能像考试冲突一样. 如果你有周五下午4点以后的考试, 你需要像对待考试冲突一样对待它. 

The latest our office will start an exam on a Friday is 2:00 pm. 请和你的教授讨论一下. If you need to take the exam on a different date, that should be discussed as early as possible.

3. 我晚上8点有一个考试. 但是,myCU不会让我输入晚上7点以后的开始时间. 我该怎么办??

最晚的OAS考试开始时间是晚上7点. 我们营业到晚上10点. To make sure you’re done at a reasonable hour and to minimize distractions, 我们在晚上7点开始所有的晚考. You should enter 7:00 pm into myCU and plan on taking your exam at that time.

4. Should I enter my final exam schedule into the OAS exam signup when SAS posts it?

No. OAS会帮你录入所有的期末考试. We will also resolve any final exam conflicts and set your locations. You are responsible for notifying us if you will not be using your accommodations for some of your finals or if there is not a final in one of your classes. You are also responsible for requesting accommodations beyond extended time, 一个分散注意力的地方, 还有一个单独的位置. 

Once SAS posts your final exam schedule, OAS resolves any conflicts. OAS will only move exams based on conflicting times with another exam. Due to the large number of final exams, we cannot take requests for moving final exams. Please be aware that OAS students can have up to two final exams in one day and they may be back to back. OAS会将你的期末考试时间输入到myCU中. You should click the “Accommodations and Tutoring” tile and then “Accommodations” on myCU to see your final exam schedule. 您将遵循这个时间表,而不是SAS为您创建的时间表.

OAS later goes back into your exam requests to enter your exam locations. You will receive an email from myCU every time we edit your final exam schedule. 不要让这些邮件迷惑了你. Simply log on to myCU and click your “Accommodations and Tutoring” tile and then “Accommodations” to see the current state of your final exam schedule. Typically the schedule is finalized around two weeks before exams begin.

5. I forgot about an exam and was not able to enter it into myCU before the required 7 days. 我还能在住宿条件下参加考试吗?

简短的回答是,视情况而定. OAS has a late exam policy where we are unable to schedule exams after a certain point. Students are responsible to schedule their own exams through myCU 至少 提前7天. Any exam requests that come in after this deadline will be reviewed to determine if OAS is able to add this exam request. It is not guaranteed that OAS will be able to honor late requests.

OAS will not consider any late exam requests received after noon on the business day before the exam. 这意味着, 例如, 周五下午两点考试, contact with OAS must be made no later than noon on Thursday for consideration. If the exam is on a Monday, OAS will not consider the request after noon on Friday.

学生每学期最多可以申请5次迟考. After the allotted 5 requests, OAS will no longer consider late requests for that student.

如果你有y other questions, please contact the Office of 可及性服务 at oas@quanluo.net.